

Black Power  16 October 1968 : Without knowing the story, you might thing that they are enemies in the picture and the black men are against the white man, but in actuality they are all on the same side and support each other Proud Powerful Means a lot to many people as it's an iconic moment in history to black people All wearing a bade for equality The white man is on their side and had the idea of wearing the gloves Their heads could be down as they're scared of the audiences reactions to them winning, and are blocking it all out to prevent the moment from being ruled for them James Bond villain: Male Eastern European Russian Mansion Lots of security guards Black sports car Trendy suit Smoking a cigar  Black Actors struggle over the past 50 years: Hattie McDaniel: Hattie McDaniel was born on the 10th June 1893 and died on the 26th of October 1952. Hattie was a a ctress, singer-songwriter and comedian for 32 years, during which time

Main Key Words

Key Words: These are some important key words that will be used throughout the project and are important to remember. Avante Garde: This gives the audience the impression that this is the latest product that if they get, will be ahead of everyone else. It is the latest model of said product meaning that no one will have it yet, so by getting it you are one step ahead of people around you. Weasel words: This suggests a positive outcome of using the product without making any actual promises, such as " A dish soap that leaves dishes  virtually  spotless ." The word "virtually" tells us that there is no guarantee that this product will 100% do what it says it will, which warned the audience before they think about purchasing the product. Magic Ingredients:

Camera Movement

Tuesday 16th October 2018: Functions of a camera movement: Zoom into something Switch between 2 characters Follow the action of a scene Reveal information about a shot Find out more about surroundings  Continuous shots Take us on a journey Disorientate viewer Add realism to scenes Camera Movement: potential to function in different ways reveal dramatic information by enlarging audiences field of view narrow/focus attention on significant objects or characters Motivated Camera Movement: Camera moves when prompted by characters/events in films, e.g. follows a moving character. Here is an example of a motivated shot from Raiders of the Lost Arc In this scene, you can clearly see how the camera switches between the man, the shots and the woman, and then back again. It follows the character's every move, thus making it a motivated movement. Unmotivated Camera Movement: A camera movement that doesn't match what's happening in the scene, such a
Friday 12th October 2018 : H.267-Codec=code and decode 1920×1080p-progressive (height in pixels of image) Files are stored in sectors. Rendering makes it neat and organised. Lossy:compressed A file that had been destroyed, can't be the exact same as it was before.  Mp4    .wmv   small file size MB Lossless:uncompressed  .mov .avi

Video Clips

Friday 5th October 2018: Clips: V1: In point/head-point/incoming- where clip  starts Out point/tail-point/outgoing- where clip ends Not sync=offset Highlight video and audio clips, right clip and synchronise audio. A1:english A2:- A3:Music A4:Other language C/A-cut away (meaningful cutaways)                                                           effects>audio transitions>crossfade>constant power- refers to decibel levels

Narrative Theory

Friday 28th September 2018: Narrative Theory:

Opening sequence

Thursday 4th October 2018: Opening Sequence: Back to the future-   Back to the future is a film made in 1985 which is a fantasy science film about Marty McFly and Doc Brown, who travel back to the future for various reasons that become apparent throughout the film. This is the first opening sequence that I looked at when planning my own sequence as it's a film I've watched many times and enjoy very much.  In this opening sequence, there is no music and the only sound to start with is many different clocks ticking. The camera is showing different areas of someones house but it isn't clear who's it is, but we can assume that it's the house of an inventor as there are different contraptions there, such as a machine to feed the dog and turn on the TV, around the house that are all set off by the clocks.  The breakfast Club-