
Day 1:

Today was the first day of college. I was introduced to my new class and did a treasure hunt with a small group of people to go round the college to find our way about. We met all of the teaching staff as well as all the TSO's and other members of staff that we will be with on the course. As this is my second year of media I already know all the teaching staff, but it was nice to meet new people and get to know everyone before the course begins next week. After we had met everyone and spent a few hours getting to know the people and the course, we were given a task to do in small groups.

We were given a different object in all of our separate groups to make a short film with said object. My group was given a hand held fan; at first we were coming up with potential ideas of what we could possibly do within the 1 minute time limit we were given. At first we were struggling for ideas due to lack of inspiration, but after speaking with Tony he gave us the idea to look up the language of fans and do something based off of that. 

Eventually, we decided to make a love story between 2 people, one of which is obsessed with fans, and the other who has no interest in them whatsoever, and in the end they were going to break up with their partner through language of fan to spite them. We planned on having a happy montage of memories at the beginning which slowly goes to them having problems, to ending with the actual break up through use of the fan. 

We finished the day by doing some test shots to see what we could potentially use in our film and what could work well. We looked at things like location, lighting, how busy the area was and how loud it was. A quiet, secluded place was necessary to ensure we got the best shots possible for our film.

Day 2:

Today we started filming and set up our blogs, ready for us to start documenting our work progress throughout the course. We returned to the places we visited yesterday as we believed that they would be the best locations for us to film at. After getting all the clips we needed, we began to watch them and see what we could and couldn't use for the actual end result. 

We also met James (Foxy) today who spoke to us about sound, TV and film, as well as what he has achieved within his career. It was a positive thing to hear as we heard about all the things he's done and it gave us an idea of what we could all potentially achieve by being on this course.

Day 3:

This was our last day of induction. We edited our film and showed them to the rest of the class, as well as the new level 2 group. Unfortunately, our computer that we were using didn't work too well at first so we were very behind on our filming so this this reason, we had to shorten our film and cut out the last break up scene. Instead, we made a short love story and made sure to use the fan in anyway that we could. To emphasize the theme of love, we used a pink filter over the film to give off the effect and show a positive light to the audience watching it. I was overall pretty happy with the way it turned out, I just wish we would've had the opportunity to finish it as we had planned.

As well as editing our films, we also attended the freshers fair. It was nice to walk about with my classmates to see what things we could potentially get involved with (such as NCS)     and think about things to plan to do together outside of college in our free time, such as bowling and spending some time together. 

We also met Scott and Ritchie from springboard and they informed us about some of the opportunities we'll have throughout the year on our course. As this is my second year, I already know them and what they do but it was nice to go through some things again and gain a bit more knowledge of what they do outside of the college.

This week has allowed me to meet new people and get a taste of what the next year will be like. I'm excited to start properly next week and get to know people better, as well as starting all future projects.
